Salvation and power are established! Kingdom of our God, authority of his Messiah! The accuser of our brothers and sisters thrown out, who accused them day and night before God. They defeated him through the blood of the Lamb and the bold word of their witness. They weren't in love with themselves; they were willing to die for Christ. Rev.12:9-11
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The DNA of Sin
We are all—every last one of us—more or less unbroken. The Christian journey is one of God bringing us out of tree of knowledge trash such as sinful, rule-based, self-righteous, self-sufficient, prideful dependence upon our own strength, wisdom and knowledge into the tree of life treasures of brokenness, humility, worship of and dependence upon Him. These are God’s highest desires for all of His children, and His desires are always what is best for us. They are highly prized by Him, and once we begin to understand and bear the fruit of them, we will prize them highly too.
Tears—The Language of the Soul
Biblically, tears are an essential expression of brokenness. They are God's provision for cleansing us of the unbrokenness that hinders and sometimes destroys our spiritual, mental and physical health and well being.
"Thou feedest them with the bread of tears; and givest them tears to drink in great measure" (Psalm 80:5).
Ken Gire wrote in Windows of the Soul, “In each tear is distilled something of eternity, something of love and compassion and tenderness, all things that originate in heaven and come to earth as a sacrament to the soul, if only I am willing to take and to eat. The closest communion with God comes, I believe, through the sacrament of tears. Just as grapes are crushed to make wine and grain to make bread, so the elements of this sacrament come from the crushing experiences of life. "
“So much is distilled in our tears, not the least of which is wisdom in living life. From my own tears I have learned that if you follow your tears, you will find your heart. If you find your heart, you will find what is dear to God, and if you find what is dear to God you will find the answer to how you should live your life.”
Grief is the one pain
that heals all others.
Grief is the most important
pain there is.
How People Grow
Henry Cloud and John Townsend
Many Hebrew words for grieving, weeping and lamentation actually mean “to distill”, which means to “separate and change from one substance to another”. This word beautifully describes God’s renewing work in the midst of our tears. In the life long metamorphosis of our souls, God is continually transforming us from the sin-marred image of Adam into the glorious image of Christ. The tears we pour out at the feet of Jesus, both joyful and sad, are the distillation of God’s eternal work in our lives.
Tears are the language of the soul. When they are turned toward God, they are never wasted nor shed in vain. Though often shunned by man they are treasured by God. Psalm 56:8 says that God keeps our tears in a bottle and writes each one in His book.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Journey to the Past- Father..
Sometimes, the hardest part is not accepting the truth about our lives, but living with a longing that may never be satisfied. The easier thing to do is stuff the ache somewhere deep down inside where we won’t visit it again because, in essence, a longing is something that tugs at our heartstrings and makes us hunger. We ask ourselves, why we would long for that man in the first place? Isn’t he the one that did all the damage? Why would I even want him to be part of my life? But we do. We may not want or need the man that he really was, but we most certainly want and need the man he should have been. Admitting to ourselves that it is a good thing to want acceptance from the man that gave us life is not a weakness, but a strength. The longing is a good thing. A right thing. A hard thing. A painful thing.
And so the journey begins. We know our current condition, broken and afraid. Our future destination feels vague and unsure, because we don’t really know where we are going. We hope. We believe there is something better on the other side, but we don’t know for sure. However, today we hover on the edge, waiting to leap, afraid to fall, and wondering if we will be caught. As with any journey, we must take the fi rst step, perhaps into thin air, not knowing where we will land. So we set out on this journey with a confession; it means that we must acknowledge that we are broken.
We are damaged goods.
Well, if that's where you are, you're only hope is our Heavenly Father's love. Its the only perfect love that can heal, restore, and make right what is wrong. You need to go back and be willing to open up the pain, let the wound surface, and let it heal takes courage to go there...don't let fear stop you...everything else is either a band-aid solution or simply a way to medicate the pain..and in the end it will produce only more pain...
Heart, don’t fail me now.
Courage, don’t desert me, don’t turn back
now that we’re here.
People always say life is full of choices.
No one ever mentions fear
Or how the world can seem so long
Or how the world can seem so vast.
Courage, see me through.
Heart, I’m trusting you,
on this journey to the past.
Somewhere down this road, I know
someone’s waiting.
Years of dreams just can’t be wrong.
Oh, arms will open wide,
I’ll be safe and wanted,
Finally home where I belong.
Well, starting here my life begins.
Starting now I’m learning fast.
Courage, see me through.
Heart, I’m trusting you,
on this journey to the past.
Anastasia motion picture soundtrack
Who would ascend my holy hill and come into my presence? Truly he who has a true and repentant heart. My hill should not be an arduous one to climb. Behold the mountain of the Lord....those who would climb it, must take what is needed. I go before those who climb my mountain. I go and discard the things which have blocked the passage. I say to my servants of mine, "Do not be content in staying in the lowland." Take the path that is before you, and pursue it with diligence. Come up higher, I say. Here the air has a stillness about it. Go the way which I will show you. Behold your view....look around at your surroundings....look at the distant hills and surrounding plains. This mountain is my training ground. Some have been content, and they have stopped, and pitched their tents at certain places. They have developed a certain "laxness" and they have become used to the things "that they see." But I say to them, "Get up and walk." This is not for those who are lazy, or are not ready for the journey, but for those who long to seek my face. This pathway leads to higher ground. For those who desire Me, I will show them more. Here the eagles gather, and circle round about this mountain. Here the water is pure, and its taste leaves one renewed. Have some of this water, and let it refresh you for the journey ahead. I say unto my servants, "CLIMB ON, CLIMB ON." Forget the former things; look not to the past. Let your hearts and minds be set like flint. Climb up the mountain, and leave your beds of laxness behind. "
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
A Drime - Fix You by Cold Play
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When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face
when you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I
Tears stream down your face
I promise you that I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Pray for someone...
1. That they be God-fearing and recognize that they are accountable to Him for each division and act. Prov. 9:10
2. That they be presented with the gospel and a loving Christian witness. Rom. 10:14
3. That, if unsaved, they be drawn to a saving encounter with Christ; if born-again, they be strengthened an encouraged in their faith. Eph.1:17-23, 1 Tim 2:4
4. That they be granted wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
5. That they recognize their own inadequacy and pray and seek the will of God. Prov. 3:5-8, Luke 11:9-13
6. That they be convicted of sin, transgression and iniquity. Ps. 51:17, John 8:9
7. That they heed their conscience, confess their sins and repent. Prov. 28:13, James 4:8
8. That they respect authority and practice accountability. Rom. 13:1-7
9. That they be given godly counsel and God-fearing advisors. Prov. 24:6
10. That they be practicing members of local congregations. Heb.10:25
11. That they desire purity and avoid debauchery, pornography, perversion and drunkenness. 1 Cor. 6:9-20, 1 Tim. 6:6-10
12. That they be generous and have compassionate hearts for the poor and needy. Ps. 112:9, Lk. 10:33-37
13. That they redeem their time and know priorities. Eph. 5:15-17
14. That they desire humility and meekness and be willing to serve and cooperate. John 13:14, Titus 3:1-2
15. That they be prepared to give account to Almighty God. Heb. 9:27
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Warning Against Unfaithfulness
Do not love the world or anything in it. If you love the world, love for the Father is not in you. Here is what people who belong to this world do. They try to satisfy what their sinful natures want to do. They long for what their sinful eyes look at. They brag about what they have and what they do. All of this comes from the world. It doesn't come from the Father. The world and its evil longings are passing away. But those who do what God wants them to do live forever.
The command do not love the world demands that we reject those ways of life which do not lead us to God or to the practice of truth, justice, righteousness and love. While this sounds easy enough in theory, it is not easy in practice. For it entails the recognition and condemnation of sin and unrighteousness. Here we can too easily fall prey to arrogant judgmentalism on the one hand or, on the other hand, to the subtle tug to let sinful behaviors pass unnoticed or unnamed in our efforts to love and accept people as they are. And yet acceptance and love of others never means that we must--or may--approve of a way of life that is inimical to God's way of light. Certainly Jesus knew his ministry to be one that exposed sin (Jn 16:8-10). Yet a ministry of exposing the unrighteousness of the world's ways does not stand in contradiction to a ministry of love. For precisely by exposing sin, lies and hatred, we can become channels of God's truth, light and love, so that we enable others to live in that truth as well. But let us remember the epistle's admonitions to confess our own sins, and so let judgment begin at home.
The Essence of Worldliness (2:16-17)
"Worldliness" cannot then be neatly packaged into certain behaviors that the devout believer avoids. And yet John continues with two verses that sound rather like a dire warning about the nature of worldliness. Indeed, the NIV's vivid transla tion--that the sinner exhibits cravings, lust and pride--leaves little doubt that these impulses are to be resisted. But what are these impulses that characterize the "world" but should not characterize those who are "in but not of" the world?
First comes the phrase the cravings of sinful man. The word cravings (epithymia) is the same word translated as lust in the next phrase. Craving may be neutral in its connotations, meaning simply longing or desire, and often in the New Testament it has this sense. The NIV translates the Greek "flesh" (sarkos) as sinful man. But flesh can be positive in the Johannine literature. Both the Gospel (1:14; 6:51-55; compare 17:2) and epistle (1 Jn 4:2) unashamedly state that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. "Flesh" means the human realm, which, in itself, is not evil or negative. But insofar as it stands apart from God, it must be reborn through the power of the spirit (Jn 6:63), or it remains lifeless and dead (Jn 3:6). Just as a body without breath cannot live, so flesh without Spirit cannot live eternally.
Hence the cravings of sinful man are "desires that come from the flesh," or "human striving." This means desire that is shaped by the world unaware of and untouched by God, all those desires and plans that are shaped entirely by our impulses and not by the Spirit of God. The criticism of the "desire of the flesh" rests not on the fact that such desires come from sin--for "flesh" need not have that meaning--but on the fact that they do not come from the Spirit. Had John given some examples relevant to today, he surely would have included this culture's pervasive materialism, workaholic ethic, sexual laxity and driving desires for success and prosperity. Any attitude or action that makes the individual-- and not God--the center and measure of the universe smacks of world liness. "Worldliness" is serving many gods, be they personal whims, ambitions or strivings or simply love of pleasure.
Just as flesh is the source of the craving in the previous phrase, so here human eyes are the source of the lust in the next phrase. We might translate lust of his eyes as "desire that comes from what the eyes see." These desires do not come from the insight that God gives, but are shaped by the world in its ignorance of or opposition to God. They may include greed, materialism and envy, for later the Elder warns those who do not aid their brothers and sisters in need (3:16). Those held by the grip of the world lust for what they see, and not for what the Spirit gives them eyes to see as good.
The third phrase in this trio is boasting of what he has and does. The pride spoken of is self-reliance, self-sufficiency. Either people trust in themselves, or they derive their values, assurance and life from God. It is exactly this attitude of self-sufficiency, seeing things in our own light and not by the light of God, that the Elder terms "worldliness."
Those who live this way experience a futile existence, dedicated to things that are short-lived and offer little lasting satisfaction, for the world and its desires pass away. John means that God's light, already shining (2:8), has overcome the power that animates the world of darkness (2:12-14). Those who put their trust in earthly possessions commit their energies and selves to a sphere whose end has already been assured. They strive to live by a power that has been drained of its source of energy and is now running on empty.
This passage, then, is a manifestation of the fact that one loves either God or the world. This theme echoes throughout Scripture. The first commandment is "You shall have no other gods before me." Joshua commanded the children of Israel to "choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. . . . As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD" (24:15). Jesus warned, "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money" (Mt 6:24).
And now the author of 1 John, like his master Jesus, reminds people that there can be only one allegiance, one loyalty, which shapes all that we are and do. There is no way to play both ends against the middle. The commands of this passage are to be heard both as an invitation to serve God and, for those who have heard and responded to such an invitation, as an exhortation to continue to make that response daily.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Anne Murchison Testimony
After coming to Christ at the age of 35, I set out to serve God, teaching the Bible, giving my testimony, hosting Bible studies in our home, leading many to Christ, tithing my money, doing all I could do to obey God. I worked hard at being a good witness. Then my son became ill with an incurable neurobiological disorder. My mother died, my husband was diagnosed with a terminal neurological disorder and he had to take bankruptcy while he was dying. We lost everything we had. Because my husband was the founding owner of the Dallas Cowboys Football Team, the story of our lives was splashed across the pages of the nation's news media. His bankruptcy reverberated around the world. Every detail of my husband's bankruptcy and illness was made public. It was my dark night of the soul.
I became enraged at God. He let me down. I had done everything I could to please Him and my life was falling apart at the seams. Every day my anger escalated as I shouted my pain out to God. "Get out of my life, God. All you do is hurt people." My heart was flooded with terror. "Just send me to hell NOW God. It can't be any worse there than it is here."
A still small voice whispered from God's mouth to my ear, "Come unto me"In the midst of my insanity, a still small voice whispered from God's mouth to my ear, "Come unto me". "Come unto YOU! I screamed. Why would I want to come unto YOU? All you do is hurt people?" The still small voice persisted, "Come let me love you". I raged back in the face of God, "Let you LOVE me! If this LOVE, I want no part of it. Get out of my life!
Much to my surprise, God did not get out of my life. After several months of ranting at God, one morning I heard the Lord speak in my heart, "Come get in my lap and let me hold you".
Something inside me broke wide open. I began to weep in brokenness and repentance, and I have never been the same. From that day forward the Lord began to reveal the truth of His sovereignty, His grace and His love. My legalism only drove me away from God. It was His love that broke my heart and turned my life around. This prodigal daughter came to grips with the truth of God's providential forgiveness, mercy and grace.
Our sins and iniquities are not merely forgiven and covered. They are not imputed to us at all! Rather they are completely forgotten.
"For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more" (Hebrews 8:12).
This is why the Word of God can say Abraham wavered not in his faith, that David was a man after God's own heart and that Lot was a righteous man. This is also how God could invite a rebellious daughter to climb up in His lap and let Him love her. His great love broke my heart and drew me to His breast. My sins were remembered no more. Thanks to the finished work of the cross in the heavenlies, it is done.
God sees the end from the beginning. Even though it gets messy down here on earth, He patiently works to will and do according to His good pleasure in our lives. Positional reality and manifested reality are two different realms with the same result. Manifested reality is conditioned only upon our willingness to be broken and to depend upon Him. And if we are not yet willing, He will see to it that we are.
What happens on earth in our flesh is "remembered no more." This is truly amazing grace. This is the good news! There is nothing more powerful than this. I can hear that great cloud of witnesses which surrounds us all. They are cheering louder than a crowd at the Super Bowl. They are giving praise, honor and glory to the Lamb of God who made it all possible. Abraham, David and Lot are among them, and they are cheering us on.
Heavenly Father, I am in awe of your humility and boundless love for me. Your grace astounds me. Your mercy abounds to me. How can I ever thank you enough, praise you enough, worship you enough? The answer is I can't. The one thing I can do is surrender to your will for my life, clinging to you as though my life depended upon it, because it does. I surrender, Lord, and cling to you with all my might. Because of your amazing grace, it is not my will but thine, O Lord. In your Name I pray. Amen.
Acquiring Perseverance - Spurgey
We are not to expect to win victories for the Lord Jesus by a single blow. Evil principles and practices die hard. In some places it takes years of labor to drive out even one of the many vices which defile the inhabitants. We must carry on the war with all our might, even when favored with little manifest success.
Our business in this world is to conquer it for Jesus. We are not to make compromises but to exterminate evils. We are not to seek popularity but to wage unceasing war with iniquity. Infidelity, popery, drunkenness, impurity, oppression, worldliness, error; these are all to be "put out." The Lord our God can alone accomplish this. He works by His faithful servants, and blessed be His name. He promises that He will so work. "Jehovah thy God will put out those nations before thee." This He will do by degrees that we may learn perseverance, may increase in faith, may earnestly watch, and may avoid carnal security. Let us thank God for a little success and pray for more. Let us never sheathe the sword till the whole land is won for Jesus.
Courage, my heart! Go on little by little, for many littles will make a great whole.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Spiritual Contentment? - Vandruff
Luke 3:14 (KJV) "... Be content with your wages."
Heb 13:5 (NRS) "... Be content with what you have."
1 Tim 6:6,8 (NIV) But godliness with contentment is great gain... But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.
There is no doubt that we should bring our real needs to God in prayer. But how much of our discontentment has to do with real needs? On the other hand, we tend to be spiritually complacent and think we have "made it" at any and every stage of spiritual maturation, and many churches actually encourage this. Here is a litmus test: In prayer meetings, what are we asking for? For more of God... or for more of the ephemeral stuff of the here and now? While this materialism is natural enough, and to be expected, I suspect that God wants to goad us to a certain spiritual discontent and passion for more of what is eternal.
1 Cor 12:31 (GLT) But zealously strive after the better gifts.
Isa 55:6 (GLT) Seek Jehovah while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.
Mat 5:6 (GLT) "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness! For they shall be filled."
Ps 84:2 (GLT) My soul longs and even faints for the courts of Jehovah; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.
Ps 63:1 (NRS) God... I seek you, my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
Ps 42:1 (GLT) As the deer pants after the channels of water, so my soul pants after You, O God.
Anyone speaking like David in today's Christian culture would likely be pulled aside and harangued for being "negative" and given a book on being spiritually content where he was. And yet I think we have it exactly backwards. We should be content with the paltry and ephemeral material things we have, and thankful to God for them. We should hunger and thirst and seek and zealously strive in every way for more of God and his grace, even if few will encourage us in this direction outside of the holy saints of old.
In short, my advice would be to look for a group--or start one in your home--with such a purpose: to seek God and find him. Not to be content with mere talk about him, but to be motivated to have him in truth. Look for those who have "tasted and seen that He is good", and who are ruined for anything else. Short of this, go to the church you must, but never give in to the tendency to lower God's standard of holiness. Never sell out to the half-way or the watered down. Hold out for the real and permanent, even if you are not there yet. For if you hold on to your hope, you will not be disappointed if your hope is in God.
Rom 8:24 (NIV) For... who hopes for what he already has?
Gal 5:5 (NIV) But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope.
Let the Holy Spirit help you cultivate a heart content in the physical (unnatural as this is) and that has permission to pine for God in the spiritual (unnatural as this is) till it is fully satisfied.
Eph 1:16-20 (Phi) ... This is my prayer: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the all-glorious Father, will give to you spiritual wisdom and the insight to know more of him: that you may receive that inner illumination of the spirit which will make you realize how great is the hope to which he is calling you--the magnificence and splendor of the inheritance promised to Christians--and how tremendous is the power available to us who believe in God. That power is the same divine energy which was demonstrated in Christ when he raised him from the dead...
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Shame on Me?
In previous studies, we have looked at conviction and condemnation in the way of repentance. Conviction is portrayed in Scripture as the first (welcome) work of the Spirit, and condemnation as the (just) sentence of God on our sinful natures. This much, hopefully, is clear in its practical benefit in our spiritual reflexes to prod us back into Christ when we find ourselves "in the flesh".
Jer 6:15 (NAS) "Were they ashamed because of the abomination they have done? They were not even ashamed at all; they did not even know how to blush."
Shame might also have a use in our sanctification, and this might be good to understand. For example, often we flinch at looking so closely at our proclivities to sin because we feel a deep sense of shame... and so turn our eye in order to temporarily ease the pain. The sermon is over, the session is done, and we go away from the mirror and forget what we look like.
Part of the romance of God may be to prepare us to be a "blushing" bride. We certainly have enough to blush over, if we will just let the Spirit search us. But this blushing of shame "the flesh" HATES more than anything! It touches the very nerve of "self" in a most painful way. So why should we, or why must we, endure this awful feeling?
Reactions To God
Luke 5:8 (Wey) When Simon Peter saw this, he fell down at the knees of Jesus, and exclaimed, "Master, leave my boat, for I am a sinful man."
Simon Peter's response is part of anyone's reaction to a real encounter with God. By seeing Jesus he was "undone" by the resultant heightened sense of his own depravity; how far He was from the glory of God.
It is one thing to play with words and self deception concerning our state before the Holy One; it is another to come up against His pure goodness. What we thought we wanted now makes us feel dirty. When goodness is laced with badness it is easier to take, easier to relate to. But pure goodness is alien to us. And we know God is powerful, but to experience that power brings our own insufficiency into the light. We tend to recoil from what we also most want. Jesus did not leave Simon Peter for his honest reaction, speaking words of comfort instead and calling him as an apostle. For Peter's will power had come up against a greater will. But Peter's "reaction" remained for a deeper "treatment" at a later date.
Are we greater than Simon Peter? Are we less in need of being saved "in the highest way" than him? Will we not have to be cured of this same problem in the future, even after hearing words of comfort? Even after confessing Christ? Even after walking in intimate fellowship with our Lord?
The Problem Of Self Confidence And Pride
Luke 22:31-34 (Phi) "Oh, Simon, Simon, do you know that Satan has asked to have you all to sift like wheat?--but I have prayed for you that you may not lose your faith. Yes, when you have turned back to me, you must strengthen these brothers of yours." Peter said to him, "Lord, I am ready to go to prison, or even to die with you!" "I tell you, Peter," returned Jesus, "before the cock crows today you will deny three times that you know me!"
Peter was a boaster, being confident in himself. Like us, he was prone to make grand promises to God and then to blow it in actual experience, leading to the ache of shame.
Luke 22:59-62 (Phi) "I am convinced this man was with him..." "Man," replied Peter, "I do not know what you are talking about." And immediately, while he was still speaking, the cock crew. The Lord turned his head and looked straight at Peter, and into his mind flashed the words that the Lord had said to him... "You will disown me..." ...and he [Peter] went outside and wept bitterly.
In this dismal process of humiliation we perhaps can understand at a deeper level how God is going to work out that no flesh will boast in His presence.
Come on, with us? Really?
Monday, November 20, 2006
The Appointed Task
FRODO:Then I know what I must do. It's just, I'm afraid to do it.
GALADRIEL: Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.
FRODO:I cannot do this alone.
GALADRIEL: You are a Ring-bearer, Frodo. To bear a Ring of Power is to be alone.
FRODO: "I can't do this, Sam."
SAM: "I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. 'Cause sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How can the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end it's only a passing thing. A shadow even darkness must pass. A new day will come and when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you, that meant something even if you were to small to understand why. But I think Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folks in those stories had lots of chances in turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto to something."
FRODO: "What are we holding onto, Sam?"
SAM: "That there's some good left in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."
Sunday, November 19, 2006
" . . . after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to [Israel]. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an unexpected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, saith the Lord: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you saith the Lord; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive" (Jeremiah 29:10-14 Brackets and italics mine).
I am tremendously encouraged by these words of our gracious and merciful Father. The wonder and glory of His faithfulness and love are stunning. Yes, there will be discipline. Yes, He chastises us when we walk according to the letter of the law instead of the voice of His Spirit. No! Rebellion does not nullify His promises to us nor disqualify us from inheriting them. It guarantees they are always available to us when we sincerely turn our hearts back to Him.
We either hear and obey the voice of God or we walk under the law which is idolatry.
Dire Consequences—Idolatry
Scripture teaches over and over again that we either hear the voice of God or walk under the law, which is idolatry. The cornerstone reference to this statement is Jeremiah 11:1-11 (NAS).
"The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, 'Hear the words of this covenant, and speak to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and say to them, "Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, 'Cursed is the man who does not heed [hear] the words of this covenant, which I commanded your forefathers in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, "Listen [Hear] my voice, and do according to all which I command you, so that you shall be My people, and I will be your God, in order to confirm the oath which I swore to your forefathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is this day.'" And the Lord said to me, 'Proclaim all these words in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, saying "Listen [Hear] the words of this covenant and do them. For I solemnly warned your fathers in the day that I brought them up from the land of Egypt, even to this day, warning persistently, saying, 'Listen [Hear] my voice.' Yet they did not obey (hear) or incline their ear, but walked each one, in the stubbornness of his evil heart; therefore I brought on them all the words of this covenant, which I commanded them to do, [which was 'hear my voice'] but they did not. Then the Lord said to me, 'A conspiracy has been found among the men of Judah and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem. They have turned back to the iniquities of their ancestors who refused to hear my words, and they have gone after other gods to serve them; the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken My covenant which I made with their father.'"
Many other scriptures validate the principle that we walk in idolatry when we don't hear and obey His voice.
"This evil people, which refuse to hear my words, which walk in the imagination of their heart, and walk after other gods, to serve them, and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for nothing" (Jeremiah 13:10).
"And it shall come about if you ever forget the Lord your God, and go after other gods and serve them and worship them, I testify against you today that you shall surely perish. Like the nations that the Lord makes to perish before you, so you shall perish; because you would not listen to the voice of the Lord your God" (Deuteronomy 8:19-20 NAS Italics mine).
"But if thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away, and worship other gods, and serve them, I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish, and that ye shall not prolong your days upon the land, whither thou passest over Jordan to go to possess it" (Deuteronomy 30:17-18).
"And it shall come to pass, when thou shalt shew this people all these words, and they shall say unto thee, Wherefore hath the Lord pro-nounced all this great evil against us? or what is our iniquity? or what is our sin that we have committed against the Lord our God? Then shalt thou say unto them, Because your fathers have forsaken me, saith the Lord, and have walked after other gods, and have served them, and have worshipped them, and have forsaken me, and have not kept my law; And ye have done worse than your fathers; for, behold, ye walk every one after the imagination of his evil heart, that they may not hearken unto me" (Jeremiah 16:10-13 Underlining mine).
We can be sure if the glory of God's presence is not with us we are worshiping the God of our own stubbornness—the god of our own choice or imagination and the lust of our own hearts (Jeremiah 13:10, 16:12).
The root word for stubborness, lust and imagination means "enemy". Thus when we walk under the letter of the law rather than according the leading of the Spirit of God, we are enemies of God. James actually says that that we are adulterers—friends of the world and enemies of God.
Adultery, idolatry and friendship with the world are synonymous.
"Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God" (James 4:4).
Adultery and idolatry are synonymous in both the Hebrew and the Greek. The evidence keeps piling up, doesn't it?
Curses Instead of Blessings
The blessings of God come to those who "hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord thy God" (Deuteronomy 28:1-2 Italics mine). The curses come to those who "wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God" (Deuteronomy 28:15 Italics mine). Legalism steals almost all of our blessings. The one it does not steal is the steadfast love of God. The hound of heaven never stops working in our lives, even when we are running from Him.
Abide, Practice, Trust, Obey
How do we learn to hear the voice of the Lord? First, abide, abide, abide in God's Word for therein is the truth that will set us free. Second, practice, practice, practice. Third, trust, trust, trust. And fourth, obey, obey, obey. Seek confirmation for the big things and look for confirmation for everything. There are several criteria for discerning the voice of the Lord. One, the Lord will never contra- dict the truth of His word. Two, He will always confirm what He has spoken. My personal criteria are 1) to love and want truth more than my own way, and 2) to seek confirmation from a mature, fruitful believer. I frequently pray for the Lord to correct me quickly. It is better for me to be right with the Lord than to be right in my own eyes.
Friday, November 17, 2006
RIGHTEOUSNESS - The goodness of God, imparted to His children
"You thought that I was altogether like you," He reminds us. "But I will rebuke you...." [Psalms 50:21] "'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' says the Lord." [Isaiah 55:8]
Only by His Word and Spirit in us can we see right and wrong from His perspective. For "no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God." [1 Corinthians 2:11] But when we feed on His Word and rely on His Spirit , He sensitizes our conscience to His will and imprints His ways on our hearts: "I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people." Jeremiah 31:33
Those who reject God's Truth and Righteousness have a very different standard for right and wrong. Conformed to cultural values rather than to God's Word, their consciences simply endorse man's corrupted values. Since human nature doesn't change with time, this Old Testament warning is still relevant today:
"Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination?No! They were not at all ashamed; nor did they know how to blush." Jeremiah 6:15
In fact, the world's ways and God's ways are totally incompatible. That's why God's Word tells us repeatedly to shun the world's counsel even as we demonstrate God's love:
"The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray." Proverbs 12:26"Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: 'I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.' "Therefore 'Come out from among them and be separate,' says the Lord. 'Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.'" 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
"... in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!"...all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned." 2 Timothy 3:1-14
In other words, don't let the world distract you from God's Word and ways. As followers of Jesus, we are "in the world" as salt and light, but we're not "of the world" as participants in its social and moral consensus. [John 17:11, 14] This division has kindled the world's fury through the ages. That's why Jesus -- knowing His disciples would face its cruel onslaughts -- explained the consequences of such an uncompromising stand:
"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.... If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you.... because they do not know Him who sent Me." John 15:18-21
Persecution seems both remote and unreal to Westerners unfamiliar with the torture of God's faithful ones in Communist, Hindu and Islamic countries today. Too distracted to learn history or Biblical prophecy, most of us neither look back to the persecution of the early church nor forward to prepare for the battles ahead. [See Revelation 13 and 17]. Those who have not been desensitized by imagined media violence might shudder at the following list, which shows man's ingenuity in inflicting pain on others. May it impress on our hearts the surpassing value early Christians put on the righteousness of Jesus Christ! Pleasing Him was worth more than life to them! A torturous death was not too high a price for a heavenly eternity with their Lord. They knew the cruel consequences of discipleship, but compromise was not an option!
- shut up in a sack with snakes and thrown into the seas
- tied to huge stones and cast into a river
- hanging on the tree (cross), they were beaten with rods until their bowels gushed out, while vinegar and salt were rubbed into their wounds
- tied to catapults and so wrenched limb from limb
- thrown to the beasts; others tied to their horns.
- Women stripped, enclosed in nets and exposed to the attacks of furious bulls
- tortured with scrapers, claws and pincers [then] delivered to the mercy of flames
- broken on the wheel or torn in pieces by wild horses
- the feet were slowly burned away...
- scourged to the bone, then placed near a grid-iron that he might witness the roasting of pieces torn from his own body
- fixing red-hot plates of brass to the most delicate parts of his body... [then] slowly roasted in the iron chair.
- 'melted lead, hissing and bubbling, was poured' [down their backs]
- a few.... escaped with the searing out of their eyes, or the tearing off of their legs."[4]
These faithful men and women could have won release by simply recanting their faith or affirming the gods of Rome. But they refused to deny their Lord! To them, the following Scripture was far more than a nice memory verse: "I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Romans 8:18. By God's wonderful grace, may we, too, demonstrate to a needy world the surpassing values of knowing and following our King -- in His ministry here on earth as well as in His suffering and death!
"I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death...." Philippians 3:7-11
Thursday, November 16, 2006
The power is in the cross of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:18).
We long for the glory of God until the refining fires begin to burn up the wood, hay and stubble of our lives. It takes faith to entrust ourselves to the consum- ing fires of God. It takes faith to know when He tries us, we will come forth as gold. It takes faith to know that even in the darkness He is a light for us.
Lord Jesus, refine me. Teach me. Lead me. Convict me. Protect me. Strengthen me. Help me. Comfort me. Reveal the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus to me and set me free from the law of sin and death. In Your Name I pray. Amen.
Our rights?
The heart of man is revealed in temptation. Man knows his sin, which without temptation he could never have known; for in temptation man knows on what he has set his heart.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Warning: It is all too easy to do the convenient thing instead of the godly thing.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Satan's Greatest Hits!
Satan is a mobster - a hit man - and he wants nothing more fervently than to rub you out. He's a murderer, a liar, a gangster, and he's got a contract out on your life. His final days as god of this world system are spent manically battling the angels of God for the souls of men. And if he can't have your soul, he'll settle for desecrating your call as an ambassador of the Kingdom of God.
As children of light, we have no business even dabbling in Satan's kingdom. We have no business sleeping with the enemy in compromise and sin. Everything he lures us with is a lie. It's darkness. It's cursed. Church of the living God, we've got to wake up and declare, "No more! My life of compromise is over. I am going to serve the Lord and walk in His ways and bring glory to His name with every breath that is in me! I am through playing games with evil. I am going to develop an intimate relationship with my Father in heaven and live in humble dependence on Him to keep me from falling and to walk in His ways. May God Almighty, this day, write across my forehead, 'Holy unto the Lord' and may it never be erased again!"
It is dangerous to focus on Satan too much. However, the Bible clearly teaches that we should be aware of the ways in which he operates. The Apostle Paul indicated in his second letter to the Corinthians (2 Cor 10b-11) that they were not to be unaware of Satan's schemes, so that the devil could not outwit them. Again, in Ephesians 6:11 Paul refers to "standing against the devil's schemes". That, of course, presumes one knows what his schemes are!
Satan's most effective devices, by far, are those that operate unseen in people's lives. They are subtle schemes, that take on the appearance of being natural, normal, unavoidable and sometimes godly. They're effective because they are so integrated into the norms of our culture that they don't appear to be contrary to the ways of God. Consequently, we allow them to remain a part of our lives. Long term, these are the sins that provide a foundation for more obvious acts of rebellion.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
The Upward Call of God
"Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he cut off a dog's neck; he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swine's blood; he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations. I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.
Hear the word of the LORD, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the LORD be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed" (Isaiah 66:1-5). The word "humble" means among other things, depressed, pressed down. The way up is down.
"Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up" (James 4:10).
Job was no different than the rest of us. No one wants to throw himself onto the fire. Few of us can or will. It is unnatural for the flesh to want to suffer. No one wants their loved ones to suffer. This is even worse. So we say to ourselves, "Let's take out fire insurance. If we just do everything 'right' this will please God. Let's get those bulls and goats and throw ‘em on the fire. Get that burnt offering going! That way we won't have to go through the fires ourselves!"
This kind of thinking reflects an incorrect understanding of the ways of God. It is also typical of people who who love God. Job's propriety, the attitude that we can live right enough to please God, is exactly what God was working on. Sin is not so much about morality and immorality as it is about our claim to our right to ourselves, but self is what must be thrown into the flames.
Sacrifice and burnt offering were the order of Job's day. The Lord says over and over through His Word, however, that sacrifice and burnt offering are not what He desires. Let's look at what He does desire of us.
"For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise" (Psalm 5l:16-l7).
"Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened; burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required. Then said I, Lo, I come; in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O my God; yea, thy law is within my heart" (Psalm 40:6-8).
"By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name" (Hebrews 13:15).
"I will praise the name of God with song, And shall magnify Him with thanksgiving. And it will please the Lord better than an ox or a young bull with horns and hoofs. The humble have seen it and are glad; You who seek God, let your heart revive" (Psalm 69:30-31).
I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship (Romans 12:1-2)
Who here among us has not been broken
Who here among us is without guilt or pain
So oft’ abandoned by our transgressions
If such a thing as grace exists
Then grace was made for lives like this
There are no strangers
There are no outcasts
There are no orphans of God
So many fallen, but hallelujah
There are no orphans of God
Come ye unwanted and find affection
Come all ye weary, come and lay down your head
Come ye unworthy, you are my brother
If such a thing as grace exists
Then grace was made for lives like this
O blessed Father, look down upon us
We are Your children, we need Your love
We run before Your throne of mercy
And seek Your face to rise above
Friday, November 10, 2006
Lifehouse - Storm Lyrics l
how long have I
been in this storm
so overwhelmed by the ocean's shapeless form
water's getting harder to tread
with these waves crashing over my head
if I could just see you
everything will be alright
if I'd see you
the storminess will turn to light
and I will walk on water
and you will catch me if I fall
and I will get lost into your eyes
and everything will be alright
and everything will be alright
I know you didn't
bring me out here to drown
so why am I 10 feet under and upside down
barely surviving has become my purpose
cause I'm so used to living underneath the surface
if I could just see you
everything will be alright
if I see you
the storminess will turn to light
and I will walk on water
and you will catch me if I fall
and I will get lost into your eyes
and everything will be alright
and I will walk on water
you will catch me if I fall
and I will get lost into your eyes
and everything will be alright
I know everything is alright
everything's alright
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Learning to Tremble, by Kimberli J. Brackett
A few days after the concert, I was driving to Dallas early in themorning and I put in an older Nichole Nordeman CD called "ThisMystery." Guess what the second song on her CD was called? "Tremble."The song convicted my heart in a way I can't express in words, and I wept in my car as I realized I had never trembled. A few days later, I flew to Nashville to do a seminar and I met a woman named Charlotte. I happened to be speaking on holiness and she found me after the conference and told me I would love Henry Blackaby's book,"Holiness." I am now aware when God has people tell me to read books that He wants me to read and I knew without a doubt this was one of those times, so I went to Lifeway later that evening in Nashville and guess how many copies of Holiness they had in stock? You guessed it, they had one!I bought it and read almost the entire book on the plane coming home.
In the very first chapter, Blackaby writes, "I trembled before God as I realized God's people no longer feared God nor sin, and no longer sought holiness" (Page 6). Henry was talking about me! He not only writes about trembling before God in the first chapter, but used Scriptures and thoughts about "trembling" throughout the book (Pages 6,8, 27, 47, 72 and 99)! God obviously had my attention and I was listening! Well, if you think God was finished convicting me of forgetting to tremble, you're wrong. Just a few days ago, I was reading something about the power of God's word in my quiet time. I felt God's Spirit prompting me to read Psalm 119, so I turned to it in my bible. Psalm119 is all about the power of God's Word, but as I kept reading, guess what David addressed? You guessed it, trembling! "My flesh trembles in fear of you; I stand in awe of your laws" (Psalm 119:20). He came backto the subject again, "... but my heart trembles at your word" (Psalm119:161). David trembled in fear of God and was in awe of God's laws and God's Word.I can't recall there being any immediate consequences. Have we forgotten to tremble?This is what I believe God has revealed to me about why I don't tremble. Honestly, I believe it is because for most of my life, I can't recall there being any immediate consequences for my sin. UnlikeAnanias and Sapphira, I wasn't struck dead by God the first time I lied. I wasn't struck dead the second time either, or the 15,894 time. I forget to tremble because most of my life I have watered down in my mind, in my heart, and in my own words the sin I have sometimes blatantly chosen. When I lie, I call myself "untruthful" instead of calling myself a liar. When I talk bad about people, I call it "being unkind" instead of calling myself a slanderer and a gossip. When I had sex outside of marriage, I called it "premarital sex" instead of calling myself a prostitute or an adulterer. When I am mean and prideful, I call it "snobby" instead of calling myself self-righteous.When I am self-righteous and judgmental in my Christianity, I call it"opinionated" instead of calling myself legalistic. When I put my job before God and my family, I call it a "strong work ethic," instead ofcalling myself an idolater. When I watch filth and ungodly things on television, I call it "inappropriate" instead of admitting I am condoning, justifying, and embracing sexual immorality. I deceive myself in every way, so that in my self-absorbed sin, I see nor feel any reason to tremble. I wonder, will I ever tremble? Will I ever really understand the depth of David's words in Psalm where he trembles in fear of God and His word? I know in the past year God has shown me through so many ways the depth of my sin and my pride because He wants me to know that until I acknowledge the depth of my sin, I will never comprehend the depth ofthe blood that covers it! Until I can see my sin through the eyes of God, until I acknowledge the holiness and deity of God, I will neverunderstand the powerful relationship I can have with my HeavenlyFather. I will never understand the awesomeness of God until I tremble. Holy Father, I want to tremble. Will I ever tremble, God? Show me,convict me, teach me to tremble! Oh to tremble in fear of you God so I can truly tremble at my sin ... let me not forget to tremble.
"As Jesus draws near, so rises the storm"...

Praise the Lord, He is indeed drawing near - woe to those who do not prepare or make themselves ready - and woe to those who coddle their sin and say "He doesnt see me or care about how I live". It is time for judgment to begin in the house of the Lord.
Yes, the Ancient of Days has risen from His throne, with his scepter in his hand to execute justice. We continue to cry out to him for justice, and stand before his throne of grace to obtain mercy and help in time of need. We continue to ask our Heavenly Judge to render a verdict in favour of His remnant in this land. We ask him to judge those living wickedly and encouraging others in their wickedness. We ask Him to remember mercy in judgment.
Psalm 110:2 (New International Version) The LORD will extend your mighty scepter from Zion; you will rule in the midst of your enemies.
scep·ter A staff held by a sovereign as an emblem of authority.
Ruling power or authority; sovereignty. To invest with royal authority.
also spelled Scepter, ornamented rod or staff borne by rulers on ceremonial occasions as an emblem of authority and sovereignty. The primeval symbol of the staff was familiar to the Greeks and Romans and to the Germanic tribes in various forms (baculus, “long staff”; sceptrum, “short staff”) and had various significances. The staff of command belonged to God as well as to the earthly ruler; there were the old man's staff, the messenger's wand, the shepherd's crook, and, derived from it, the bishop's, and so on.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Vessels of honor
20-21In a well-furnished kitchen there are not only crystal goblets and silver platters, but waste cans and compost buckets—some containers used to serve fine meals, others to take out the garbage. Become the kind of container God can use to present any and every kind of gift to his guests for their blessing.
22-26Run away from infantile indulgence. Run after mature righteousness—faith, love, peace—joining those who are in honest and serious prayer before God. Refuse to get involved in inane discussions; they always end up in fights. God's servant must not be argumentative, but a gentle listener and a teacher who keeps cool, working firmly but patiently with those who refuse to obey. You never know how or when God might sober them up with a change of heart and a turning to the truth, enabling them to escape the Devil's trap, where they are caught and held captive, forced to run his errands.
Character Before Breakthrough (From Francis Frangipane's book "This Day We Fight")
What we become, is more important to God that what we can do for Him. The struggle deepens our character. Maintaining our standards when pressed, finding grace when stretched, makes us true men and women of God. Almighty God is in control. He knows how to take what was evil and transform it into something good, even using the devil's own devices to bring him down. God has something marvelous in store for us, otherwise the enemy would not be fighting so intensely. Indeed, Scripture tells us that Satan rages worst when he knows his time is short (Rev. 12:12)
There is a principle here that if understood will lead to victory in our battles. There will be a time where we will feel overpowered. Yet if we endure, we will climb higher into God. If we refuse to lose our trust in God, a time will come when the Ancient of Days enters our circumstances and changes everthing in a day. Looking at our newly developed character, He will pass judgment in favour of our cause. He looks at our character, forged in the fire of overpowering delays and battle, and says "Good, this is what I have been waiting for"...
So, whatever your battle, whether you are praying for this country, standing for your children, whether your cry is for the lost, or for the end of some local or personal conflict, remember the words of Paul "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary" Galatians 6:9
Prayer: Master, I ask that You work in me the character that perseveres until the end. Forgive me for being such a wimp. Help me to grow up to stand up until the harvest I have sown spiritually bears fruit. Thank you for not giving up on me. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Counting The Cost, By C.S. Lewis:
"Christ says 'Give me All. I don't want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want You. I have not come to torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half measures are any good. I don't want to cut off a branch here and a branch there, I want to have the whole tree down. I don't want to drill the tooth, or crown it, or stop it, but to have it out. Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked--the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: My own will shall become yours.'...
"When I was a child I often had toothache, and I knew that if I went to my mother she would give me something which would deaden the pain for that night and let me get to sleep. But I did not go to my mother--at least not till the pain became very bad. And the reason I did not go was this. I did not doubt she would give me the aspirin; but I knew she would also do something else. I could not get what I wanted out of her without getting something more, which I did not want. I wanted immediate relief from pain, but I could not get it without having my teeth set permanently right. And I knew those dentists; I knew they started fiddling about with all sorts of other teeth which had not yet begun to ache. They would not let sleeping dogs lie. If you gave them an inch they would take a mile.
"Now, if I may put it that way, our Lord is like the dentists. If you give Him an inch, He will take a mile. Dozens of people go to Him to be cured of some one particular sin which they are ashamed of... or which is obviously spoiling daily life (like bad temper or drunkenness). Well, He will cure it alright: but He will not stop there. That may be all you ask; but if once you call Him in, He will give you the full treatment. That is why He warned people to 'count the cost' before becoming Christians. 'Make no mistake,' He says, 'If you let me, I will make you perfect. The moment you put yourself in My hands, that is what you are in for. Nothing less or other than that.'
"'Whatever suffering it may cost you in your earthly life... whatever it cost Me, I will never rest, nor let you rest, until you are literally perfect--until my Father can say without reservation that He is well pleased with you, as He said He was well pleased with me. This I can do and will do. But I will not do anything less.'
"The goal toward which He is beginning to guide you is absolute perfection; and no power in the whole universe, except you yourself, can prevent Him from taking you to that goal. That is what you are in for. And it is very important to realize that. If we do not, then we are very likely to start pulling back and resisting Him after a certain point. I think that many of us, when Christ has enabled us to overcome one or two sins that were an obvious nuisance, are inclined to feel (though we do not put it into words) that we are now good enough. He has done all we wanted Him to do. And we should be obliged if He would now leave us alone.
"But this is the fatal mistake... The question is not what we intended ourselves to be, but what He intended us to be when He made us....
"Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you know that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently he starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of--throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself!"
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)- thanks Kirk..
Don't give up
Thursday, November 02, 2006
But I fear that somehow your pure and undivided devotion to Christ will be corrupted, just as Eve was deceived by the cunning ways of the serpent.
Deception is Satan's biggest tool, is most effective and its very intricate..
This exerpt is written from the perspective of the demonic realm as in the book by C.S. Lewis - "The Screwtape Letters":
"Your Worst Enemy - Intelligence
When battling, your number one enemy is the enemy’s intelligence; actual external threats are secondary. The greater the intelligence of your enemy, the greater the threat becomes to both you and your allies.
When I use the word intelligence, I am referring to several various factors that culminate in their total mind power. I have separated the forms of intelligence into the following 4 categories:
Problem Solving Ability - this is the wisdom to be able to efficiently solve any problem presented to you.
Decision Making Skills - this is the straightforward knowledge and understanding of what to do when presented with a certain situation. For example, the decision of when to engage or when to evade a certain threat.
Observance - this is the ability to take in and process what is going on around you. The game gives you three different sensory outputs: sight, sound, and touch (through your Xbox controller). Your ability to observe depends upon how much attention you pay to these three mediums. Observance can also depend upon how much attention you pay to your surroundings, which can include evidence of a battle (blood, bullet-holes, exploded canisters, destroyed vehicles, grenade marks); missing resources (weapons, vehicles, powerups); the location of your enemies and teammates (radar, teammate icons, sight and sound); and the allocation of resources.
Awareness of Strategy - the ability to foresee an enemy strategy based on your observances.
Having a personal proficiency with these forms of intelligence can give you a formidable edge in the game, but the real power of intelligence is Deception. The power and importance of intelligence is a testimony to how weak your opponent would be without it. Intelligence is powerful, but it has its weaknesses; it can be tricked, it can be warped, and it can be deceived.
Warfare is the Way of deception.
Deception is misleading your enemy into thinking something that is untrue. Tricks that worked yesterday won't necessarily work today or tomorrow. The battlefields have countless possibilities and I have no possible means of covering every single topic of deception, and even if I could, I wouldn't. Your ability to deceive your enemy depends entirely on your own wit, and if you think that this article will tell you exactly how to accomplish it, you are better off not reading it. I'm here to teach the underlying fundamentals of deception. Be forewarned, some assembly required."
1 Peter 5:7-9 (Amplified Bible) Casting the [a]whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, [b]once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you [c]watchfully.(A) 8Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [[d]in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour. 9Withstand him; be firm in faith [against his onset--rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined], knowing that the same ([e]identical) sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood (the whole body of Christians) throughout the world.