Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"As Jesus draws near, so rises the storm"...

Praise the Lord, He is indeed drawing near - woe to those who do not prepare or make themselves ready - and woe to those who coddle their sin and say "He doesnt see me or care about how I live". It is time for judgment to begin in the house of the Lord.

Yes, the Ancient of Days has risen from His throne, with his scepter in his hand to execute justice. We continue to cry out to him for justice, and stand before his throne of grace to obtain mercy and help in time of need. We continue to ask our Heavenly Judge to render a verdict in favour of His remnant in this land. We ask him to judge those living wickedly and encouraging others in their wickedness. We ask Him to remember mercy in judgment.

Psalm 110:2 (New International Version) The LORD will extend your mighty scepter from Zion; you will rule in the midst of your enemies.

scep·ter A staff held by a sovereign as an emblem of authority.
Ruling power or authority; sovereignty. To invest with royal authority.

also spelled Scepter, ornamented rod or staff borne by rulers on ceremonial occasions as an emblem of authority and sovereignty. The primeval symbol of the staff was familiar to the Greeks and Romans and to the Germanic tribes in various forms (baculus, “long staff”; sceptrum, “short staff”) and had various significances. The staff of command belonged to God as well as to the earthly ruler; there were the old man's staff, the messenger's wand, the shepherd's crook, and, derived from it, the bishop's, and so on.

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