Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Journey to the Past- Father..

Your father is still influencing your life today — probably more than you realize. For example, your present thoughts and feelings about yourself and your present relationships with other men reflect your father’s impact on you. So often, what a fathergives to his sons and daughters affects their expectations toward the men in their lives. Similarly, what a father withholds from his children can also affect their expectations toward other men. . . . If you were to describe your relationship with your father, what would you say? How has your relationship with your father affected your relationship with other men, your career, and your feelings about yourself?

Sometimes, the hardest part is not accepting the truth about our lives, but living with a longing that may never be satisfied. The easier thing to do is stuff the ache somewhere deep down inside where we won’t visit it again because, in essence, a longing is something that tugs at our heartstrings and makes us hunger. We ask ourselves, why we would long for that man in the first place? Isn’t he the one that did all the damage? Why would I even want him to be part of my life? But we do. We may not want or need the man that he really was, but we most certainly want and need the man he should have been. Admitting to ourselves that it is a good thing to want acceptance from the man that gave us life is not a weakness, but a strength. The longing is a good thing. A right thing. A hard thing. A painful thing.

And so the journey begins. We know our current condition, broken and afraid. Our future destination feels vague and unsure, because we don’t really know where we are going. We hope. We believe there is something better on the other side, but we don’t know for sure. However, today we hover on the edge, waiting to leap, afraid to fall, and wondering if we will be caught. As with any journey, we must take the fi rst step, perhaps into thin air, not knowing where we will land. So we set out on this journey with a confession; it means that we must acknowledge that we are broken.
We are damaged goods.

Well, if that's where you are, you're only hope is our Heavenly Father's love. Its the only perfect love that can heal, restore, and make right what is wrong. You need to go back and be willing to open up the pain, let the wound surface, and let it heal takes courage to go there...don't let fear stop you...everything else is either a band-aid solution or simply a way to medicate the pain..and in the end it will produce only more pain...

Heart, don’t fail me now.
Courage, don’t desert me, don’t turn back
now that we’re here.
People always say life is full of choices.
No one ever mentions fear
Or how the world can seem so long
Or how the world can seem so vast.
Courage, see me through.
Heart, I’m trusting you,
on this journey to the past.
Somewhere down this road, I know
someone’s waiting.
Years of dreams just can’t be wrong.
Oh, arms will open wide,
I’ll be safe and wanted,
Finally home where I belong.
Well, starting here my life begins.
Starting now I’m learning fast.
Courage, see me through.
Heart, I’m trusting you,
on this journey to the past.

Anastasia motion picture soundtrack

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