Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ring of Fire Prayer Tour Finale

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Colours of a New Season

Stepping out  - not knowing where
but we are walking with the One who does!
Genesis 12:1 “Go from your country, your people
and your father’s household to the land I will show you..."

The Ring of Fire Prayer Tour Finale 
begins at home this time instead of Vancouver and will be the prayers that complete 
this prayer journey that the Lord first called us to in 2009.  As with the other "rings" we will be praying at 7 locations in a circle from here to the island and back.

As we began our prayer, we first remember Israel.  

..and enjoying Super Natural British Columbia 

..remembering that the earth is the Lord's 
and everything in it.. 


..and all who live in it...

He founded it upon the seas,...

...and established it upon the waters.

Psalm 24: 1-2

Guess where this is??? 

Earls' Cove to Powell River

This International Signpost reminds us of our international prayer partners..
Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Thailand, Israel. 
AND WE GIVE THANKS for each one of you..


Your prayers are the wind beneath our wings!!

We arrived in Cumberland on Vancouver Island before dark :) 
where wonderful friendship and hospitality welcomed us!


Cindy said...

Beautifully done!

Cindy said...
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donny said...

Hey great update.