Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ring of Fire Prayer Tour Finale; Day 2

Wednesday, September 24th: 
The Beginning of the first of the Lord's fall festivals:

Part 1

In Comox

After the first part of our prayer, we were reminded of the 
cloud of witnesses that have gone before us.  
Let our prayers resound with theirs!

Hebrews 12:1-3 (MSG)
 Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!

The Pioneering Spirit
When the church starts to be the church, it will constantly be adventuring out into places where there are no tried and tested ways.  If the church in our day has few prophetic voices to sound above the noises of the street, perhaps in large part it is because the pioneering spirit has become foreign to it.  It shows little willingness to explore new ways.  Where it does it has often been called "an experiment", but whenever the church is true to its mission, it will be experimenting, pioneering, blazing new paths, seeking how to speak the reconciling Word of God to its own age.
~Elizabeth O'Connor, "Call to Committment"

Dear Lord, Breathe into us the fresh wind of your love, reviving what has become deadened.  Take away our pain and disappointment, and help us reorientate ourselves in and upon You.  

We will put our hope in You!  Thank you that you do not disappoint.  We will praise yoru name and the wonders of your works.  We will take hold of the joy of our salvation and in You find our spirits renewed.

Renewed for a new season..
Happen upon us Lord...suddenly, wonderfully revealing your perfect will and plan.

For we are yours.  Pioneers who will go, and go off the beaten path, clearing the way with your love and ways..for others to follow. 

Lord here we are, two pioneers, waiting for the signal of your Spirit
Jesus lead on, we will follow!

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” —Muriel Strode, August 1903. 
Later this quote was used by Pastor Bob Birch - 
Pioneer of the Prayer Movement and a Statesman of Prayer For Canada

 Lol, Karen should have practiced more! But as the wind began to blow, 

she managed ONE LONG BLAST!!

Oh, that You would rend the heavens and come down...send forth lightning and scatter all our enemies....reach down your hand from on high, deliver us and rescue us...
We will sing a new song to you O God....check out all of Psalm 144

And, just in case you thought we were taking ourselves too seriously...well, don't worry :)

Part 2

By the time we realized we have passed our planned next stop, we were 45 minutes past..oops!
So the Lord redirected us to...

Love it when a plan comes together! ~as quoted by Cindy

For the second time today, we found ourselves standing on the rubble of an old foundation.  

Isaiah 61:1-7 (Msg)
God sent me to announce the year of his grace—
    a celebration of God’s destruction of our enemies—
    and to comfort all who mourn,
To care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion,
    give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes,
Messages of joy instead of news of doom,
    a praising heart instead of a languid spirit.
Rename them “Oaks of Righteousness”
    planted by God to display his glory.
They’ll rebuild the old ruins,
    raise a new city out of the wreckage.
They’ll start over on the ruined cities,
    take the rubble left behind and make it new.

You’ll hire outsiders to herd your flocks
    and foreigners to work your fields,
But you’ll have the title “Priests of God,”
    honored as ministers of our God.
You’ll feast on the bounty of nations,
    you’ll bask in their glory.
Because you got a double dose of trouble
    and more than your share of contempt,
Your inheritance in the land will be doubled
    and your joy go on forever.

End of Part 2 and onto Part 3....on next blogpost.....

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