Saturday, May 29, 2010

Following the Lord in Gordon's Bay - May 25th

Day off! :)

We walked into Gordons Bay and took some pictures around the harbour.

This town is home to a naval base. Their ‘business’ is fighting at sea, their ‘mission’ is to win at sea, and their ‘vision’ is to be unchallenged at sea. This is a good reminder that we are in a spiritual battle.

Cathy liked the view here, and Karen especially loved the trees:

The language here is a specific one called Africanse and comes with its own humour:

Knowing that we were going to be sharing with the men in the evening, Karen and I had been in preparation mode most of the day, listening to what the Lord had in mind for our time together. This rock that we found, pretty much said it all:
[pic of karens rock]

That evening we knew we were to bring certain things:

Heart rock [Father heart of God]
A heart of praise/worship
Invitiation for their participation

At first the men were reserved and tentative but as the Spirit began to move among us, there was a breakdown of preconceived ideas and walls – old structures and mind-sets. The night before, God had already begun something with a group of the men and they wanted to continue the momentum of the Spirit. Before we left, one of the men requested that we come back to press in with them the next evening, so we agreed and left with hugs from our new friends!

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