Saturday, May 29, 2010

Following the Lord in Gordon's Bay - May 24th

Our gracious driver, David, picked us up promptly at 9am to drive us to Gordon’s Bay (about an hours drive away). For security reasons, David wanted us to ride with him rather than have us taking the bus. As a result, he offered to match the bus prices by giving us 50% off his normal rate. On our way, David pointed out and explained some history about the townships. Mostly, these are transient communities for refugees from other surrounding countries. One area, however, is multi-layered, and has become an established and permanent township for the last 70 years or more.

Also, during our ride there, David shared with us much more personal information about himself, and his family. We told him that we would be praying for him and for those concerns and as he dropped us off for the last time, we both hugged him and thanked him for all he had done for us. He was indeed a gift from the Lord to us.

Once we arrived, Julie, our new hostess-mom, came out to greet us and had our day planned ahead of us already!! Gifted in teaching and a love of history she gave us a royal tour of the coastal area, dropped us off for lunch, and then took us inland to the mountains to her favourite winery. While she was in a meeting there, she had arranged for us to pass the time wine-tasting by a pool, overlooking the valley. Quite a contrast from the townships we had passed earlier.

Later, Julie’s husband Piet came home with their “adopted son” William from Mozambique. Peit shared about Bethel House, a rehab and recovery house for men, and then asked us to do Tuesday evening’s devotional time. This came as quite a surprise, but I guess God’s idea of holiday time is different than ours, so we agreed!

Here is a picture of our new host family:

Our first dinner that night was “real SA food” in Julie’s words. The table was full. We had a thick SA style steak, traditional sausage, boiled baby potatoes, pan fried mushroom sauce, salad, and paap (a staple, similar to cream of wheat). We also had Piets homemade chutney..yumyum. To top this off, we had real South African rooibus tea which is fabulous!

That evening, Julie talked to us about her own prayer/intercessor journey across SA. We were so intrigued as she filled us in on some of the history and prophetic actions that have taken place over the last three years. Again, we went to bed very full and wondering why we were given so much information.

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