Saturday, May 29, 2010

Following the Lord in Gordon's Bay - May 26th

This day Julie woke us up at 7am as we were heading out to Cape Agalus for prayer assignment – 2 hour ride.

On the way there, there were many wonderful sights! The first thing we noticed was a ring around the sun (sundog) a sign of change. We brought this to Julie’s attention as she had not seen one before..

“Open wide the gates and lift up the doors”
Here we were, we were given time and space to pray the Ring of Fire prayer, with Julie and Cindy as our rear guards! Double portion…

As we prayed, we were led to pray healing for the “heart” of Africa and that spiritually God would use South Africa as the heart of His Kingdom. We also prayed that God would position Canada as the “healing hands” in His Body globally, and that her destiny would be established here. We looked down into the water and this is what we saw:

Our prayer time continued with Julie

and the shofar sounded off.

We made our way to the Cape Agalus Lighthouse. Wow!

Our Mighty God!

Mightier than the thunders of many waters,
Mightier than the waves of the sea,
The Lord on High is Mighty
Psalm 93:4

God is always greater than all our troubles.

Hungry for God and hungry for food – lunch time! Julie had in mind a place that she regularly visits, but when we arrived it was closed..we found ourselves at a restaurant that served mediteranean food. This is how we were greeted:

Once inside we found ourselves sitting under a frame of three hearts..strange but wonderful. Truly our Father fills our mouths with laughter..

We had a marvellous lunch, the flavours and presentation were awesome! Then as we were leaving, I saw a rock that caught my attention. Guess what shape it was???

Julie noticed as we were leaving the restaurant was called Renaissance (new beginnings..hmm)

Just before we arrived back at Gordons Bay, Julie pulled over at a viewpoint, and again God took our breath away and you’ll never guess what kind of plant we found – heart clover!!

We arrived back at around 5:30 and got prepared for our time with the men at the rehab for 7pm. Our preparation was bringing 30 inspiring pictures and the scripture in John…. We left the rest to the working of the HS. He wove together the evening through:

His word
His call

The men were hearing the Lords voice and experiencing His presence in a fresh way. The reality of God’s presence was opening them up to healing and releasing them to be sons in their true identity in the Lord. Please join us in praying for them to continue to stand in their healing and calling.

Also pray for the house mother, Poppy, who has been there for over 10 years.
Another full day, praise the Lord. Now for some more sleep - blogging will have to wait again!

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