Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ring of Fire 24-7 Prayer Tour Prep Day 2

We're now gearing up for the next phase of our journey. There will be alot of preparations over the next number of days. Today we were in Vancouver joining in two separate prayer times/stategy times. The first one was in the Great Room on Hastings and was the first time Karen and I had been there. What an amazing place - a piece of heaven right in the heart of the downtown core! The highlight was meeting Shawn, a resident from the area, who spoke to our group and articulated to us some of the history of this area, as well as some of the wonders and challenges of living there. He did an amazing job - his humility, honesty and manner was so refreshing and inspiring. In some ways the sense of community he talked about, is something that we 0nly dream about! Of course there is alot of brokenness, and dysfunction but truly he spoke of a connection and community with one another that we seldom experience in our "suburbia" lifestyles. Aaron White, of 24-7 Prayer, also gave a dramatic reading of Isaiah 58, which was very moving and convicting. Alot of food for thought and prayer.

Aaron led the next strategy meeting in the afternoon and it was great to see so many, particulary of the younger generation, that have such a passion for prayer. Aaron also shared the vision of 24-7 Prayer and some of the history some of which you can read on their site Also Dave Carson, a city pastor, shared about being a house of prayer 24 hours a day as our spirit is always praying , and how important that it is to be priests first, ministering to the Lord as our priority. Also a young lady shared about how it seems to be the season that God is mobilizing his army and getting them connected and into position. It's time to hear the marching orders and respond accordingly.

Hmm, perhaps its time to take some new
territory. What do you think?

Is. 54:2-3
Enlarge the place of your tent,
stretch your tent curtains wide,
do not hold back;
lengthen your cords,
strengthen your stakes.

For you will spread out
to the right and to the left;
your descendants will dispossess nations
and settle in their desolate cities.

So, its been a long day - we're back in Gibsons and still praying into our locations for the "tent". Some ideas have been floating around so I will keep you posted. This Tuesday we will be travelling to Victoria to meet some more 24-7 Pray-ers.

Thanks to all who have been praying and supporting us. One thing we do know, we can't do this alone. If you'd like to share anything the Lord gives you or just want to pass along a personal message, feel free to email me at Karen and I would love to hear from you.


Missionary Musings said...

Thanks for sharing your faith and faith-activities in this blog. Your warrior-servant-leader attitude gives me inspiration.

Cathy said...

Mike and Judy, thanks for your encouraging words. It means alot.