Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ring of Fire 24-7 Prayer Tour - Vancouver

Hello to everyone from Karen and I from the beginnings of the Ring of Fire 24-7 Prayer Tour as we embark on the ferry to Victoria. Just wanted to give you a brief synopsis of our time in Vancouver.

The Lord has already done more than we could have possibly imagined. Our location in Vancouver turned out to be The Salvation Army building in East Vancouver on Commercial and 1st ave.

They were amazing hosts. An old friend of mine, Gordie, greeted us at the door with a warm smile and BREAKFAST! He attends the Eastside Vineyard Church that meets in the same building that is pastored by Gordie and Kathleen Lagore. It was so good to see a familiar face. Not soon after, our host Salvation Army Captain showed up, Marnie Mitchell. Peter and Marnie Mitchell are captains of X Culture Church and were so generous to host us. It wasn’t long until we were unloaded and set up in their santuary at 1pm.

Throughout the 24 hours, we experienced an amazing presence of the Lord. More people showed up than we had even anticipated and we had an amazing time of worship, prayer and intercession - a young lady we know came and played the piano for us. During this time, a prayer was crafted for Eastside Vancouver. Our midnight watch time was incredible and almost surreal.

We made some great friends, particulary Marnie. We were able to minister to each other in a very significant way. Please continue to pray for this area, for Peter and Marnie Mitchell and for Gordie and Kathleen Lagore.

At 1pm today we packed up and went to a park closeby and grabbed an Americano Misto at a local coffee bar. While at a picnic table, we prayed the crafted prayer for the Eastside while sipping our incredible tasting americanos. From this location, we had an amazing view of the park. It was a hub of activity and relationship. There were people playing botchie, cards, chess and many others were just there chatting. It was such a visual of community.

Although I can’t give too many specifics, what I CAN say at this point is: If we experience nothing else on this journey the last 24 hours would be worth the whole two weeks!

Thanks for journeying with us, and for your prayers.

1 comment:

Mike Scott said...

Wow! Absolutely amazing!!!

The second I looked at the tent set up in the sanctuary I felt welcomed. Definitely a tent of meeting. I expected to see a pillar of fire behind it.

Way ta go ladies.
I miss ya both.
Thank you for doing this blog and updating the trip. It really helps me to pray more effectively for you's. I Love ya Karen.
Mike Scott