Monday, September 28, 2009

Last Prep Day!!!

Well today is the day we are packing up!

Just want to fill you in on our day yesterday. Our church leadership commissioned us, and we were prayed over by our friends Richard and Terry Long from the National House of Prayer and our co-prayer partner, Daria Tomiuk from 24-7 Prayer Canada. It was a very powerful and humbling time for us, as we were encouraged, supported, and "sent out".

I guess I can imagine how Gideon must have felt. So many questions, and not many answers other than "trust me for the next step". We know this isn't just about the Prayer Tour, but something much bigger that God has in mind, particulary for our region. I keep coming back to the fact that God uses the foolish things, and He can multiply a simple loaf of bread to feed the hungry and thirsty. As I look at the battle Gideon faced, what could be more ridiculous than going into battle with trumpets and jars.

An amazing email from a praying friend:

The ministry of Jesus Christ would be a ministry of life and restoration and not of death and condemnation. “A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench; He will bring forth justice for truth.”...why would Jesus not break a bruised reed or quench smoking flax? ....Now, what about the bruised reeds and smoking flax among us today? Bruised reeds and smoking flax are usually among the outcasts of religious establishments. Bruised and smouldering, their inner potential for life and restoration is completely dismissed. Their outward bruises and flameless cinders make them rejects by the Pharisaic standards of mainstream religions. This is usually due to two obvious reasons. One is that their bruises and suppressed spirits may be the direct results of persecutions from the cold and callous hand of loveless religious snobbery and authoritarianism. The other is that cold and callous religious establishments, void of the life-giving power of the Spirit to heal and revive, cover their shameful helplessness by shunning and condemning the wounded and the faint.God, however, sees beyond the bruises and smoke which conceal the undying purpose and inextinguishable fire born of the Spirit of God in hearts of those who are His, yet are judged unfit by the uncharitable yardstick of men's religious traditions and arrogance. “For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel16:7)..... 

Someone wrote to me these inspiring words along this line: “Christ-like mentality produces life; the Law only produced death. Let no man try to destroy the dreams that are produced out of the relationship between you and your Father. Those who live under the Law will try to bring death to all of the God produced thoughts that pour out of your belly like living water.”

Walk in Peace,as my Father hath sent me, so send I you..

Prayer: Lord, you were moved with compassion and this motivated everything you did. Move us by that same compassion as we set out. May we have ears to hear as You hear, and eyes to see as You see.

Tremendously overwhelmed by God's mercy we cry: Here we are Lord, send us.

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