Friday, April 13, 2007


It does not take Grace long, when it is once in the soul, to overturn the reigning power and the active energy of sin, even when these, for a while, appear to get the upper hand. Brothers and Sisters, I hope you know this. I hope that the Spirit of God, which is in you, and the love of Christ, which reigns in you, have destroyed the power which sin once had in your souls. If it is not so, then question yourselves whether the Spirit of God is in you at all! It is not possible that the Ark should be in the temple and that Dagon should be standing there unbroken! Not till the morrow morning shall evil remain unchallenged and unmoved upon the throne!

It is not possible that you, dear Friend, could live and delight in sin, and yet be a child of God! If your heart is set upon iniquity, where your heart is, there your treasure is—and if sin is your treasure—you are no heir of Heaven! That which governs your heart is your Lord and your God—what your heart loves, by that you shall be judged—and if you love evil, you shall be condemned! We may sin—ah, would God we did not!—but to love sin is not in the Believer!

There is a deadly antagonism between Grace and sin—and where the gracious life comes, the evil life must fall. There cannot be an alliance between Dagon and the Ark, between God and the world, or between Christ and sin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From Matthew Henry's Commentary:

"One would have thought that this incontestable proof of the ark's victory over Dagon would convince the Philistines of their folly in worshipping such a senseless thing, and that henceforward they would pay their homage to the conqueror; but, instead of being reformed, they were hardened in their idolatry, and, as evil men and seducers are wont to do, became worse and worse."

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."
~ 2 Tim. 3:13