Wednesday, October 25, 2006

We All Have Wounds...

The presence of emotional wounds, the imprints forcing our minds to have certain thought patterns and the isolation of a part of us (the hurting part) from the rest of ourselves, all work together to distort our interpretation skills of situations and people. It forms “filters” through which all incoming information must move prior to the interpretation thereof. When this “filter” is caused by deceptions and lies concerning who we are, we will most often interpret information to accomplish our preconceived ideas about others and ourselves!This will in turn simply strengthen our distorted viewpoints and lead us further away from the truth. When the fruit of hurt in our lives have matured, we often will spend much energy in dealing with the fruit, trying hard to rid ourselves of them. Often this effort goes unrewarded, because they are only the outward evidence of deeper pain. Do not be distracted by these fruits, rather allow God’s spotlight to show the root of the problem. Attacks will always be part of our lives as long as we are in God’s army, but our ability to handle it will mature as we allow God’s Spirit to work His in will us. It will no longer knock us down when someone criticizes, or rejects us.

Good news though! We are all aware that when wounds are healed, they become scars. These scars give evidence of some hurt that has successfully been healed. In the same way the spiritual scars give evidence of a spiritual battle that has been fought and overcome. This is seen as ranking in the spiritual realm. In other words, the enemy sees the scars and then recognizes the ranking. Therefore wounds can actually give us an opportunity to grow in God’s army! Good news indeed and motivation to pursue healing! In summary, we can see that when we go to war, we need to be prepared. We are in a spiritual war, therefore we need to be prepared spiritually. To be spiritually prepared, we need to be whole in body, soul and spirit. When we still suffer from open, unhealed wounds, the Enemy will mark us quickly as open targets, easy prey to destroy and demotivate for the calling of intercession and warfare. These potential prayer warriers will be left alongside the field more wounded than before and totally discouraged for further battles. Be warned, do not enter the battlefield unless your house (your self in totality) has been dealt with and the wounds are healed.

How do we gain healing and victory from and over these wounds?
Matt 11:28-29
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden
and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I
will ease and relieve and refresh your souls] .
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I
am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find
rest (relief and ease and refreshment and
recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls. (Amp)

Jesus is the Balm of Gilead (Jer 46: 11). He brings healing to every wounded heart, He heals painful memories and He restores the yearning in us because of our unmet needs. Healing comes by spending time in the presence of the Great Physician, allowing Him to place His healing balm on the open wounds (Jer 8: 22 , Amp). We need to ask the Holy Spirit to shine His spotlight into those painful memories by using the petition. This will bring a process into action where the hidden or disguised information will be revealed and the Lord then guides us through our healing process. What do we do with information surfacing and calling out for urgent attention? We will be guided by God’s Spirit to deal with each piece of pain according to His wisdom, applying His truths. Let us examine various aspects of healing.

Forgiveness and triggers
This will not always be easy, but forgiving those who hurt us badly are a vital part of the healing process. Forgiveness starts by making an active choice to be obedient and then working with God’s Holy Spirit through the various steps of forgiveness. Two aspects should be taken into consideration: To forgive the one that hurt you and to ask forgiveness for any judgements in your own heart toward that person. To forgive someone in general (i.e. for everything he did to me) will not always be very effective. Keeping in mind that we release special chemicals to keep information hidden, we can understand that the information is filled with detail concerning the specific event, including sounds, smells and feelings! There are certain associations that work like triggers for the feelings to be experienced. For eg. : A certain tone of voice will always make us feel inferior, like a naughty child. In dealing with forgiveness we need to allow the Holy Spirit to bring healing, even with these associations, i.e. to remove the effect of those “triggers”. As the specific feelings connected to those events are released, healing can come. In this the “garbage” that poisoned our beings are released and God’s ointment can reach into the open wound and bring healing! An exceedingly traumatic event, may cause harm to our minds and the shock also needs to be broken. An important factor to keep in mind, is that wounding is not always caused by what happens to us, but more accurately caused by our reactions toward that which happened to us. Therefore, blaming those who hurt us will bring no release, only in taking responsibility for our own reactions opens a way for God’s Spirit to work in us. Often we would only search areas where others had hurt us and forget the important fact that we often need to also forgive ourselves and…. yes…..also God. This is not due to God hurting us, but more our distorted interpretation of God’s character and therefore causing us to nurture angry feelings toward Him. Often God will place us in relationships that will effectively challenge us to face and deal with exactly those areas we need healing from.

The relationship with God as our Daddy will bring deep healing to our need to be accepted, appreciated and adored! To experience God as El Shaddai (the nurturing Father), will bring healing in our yearning for true nurturing. God is more than enough, He has come to heal the broken hearted.

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