Sunday, October 22, 2006

Can God trust an unbroken person?

Henri Nouwen wrote in his book, The Return of the Prodigal Son, that "it is often difficult to believe that there is much to think, speak or write about other than brokenness".

Mark Buchanan wrote in his book Your God is Too Safe, that there is one soil that usually withers pride. It is brokenness. He goes on to write that broken- ness "molds our character closer to the character of God than anything else. To experience defeat, disappointment, loss—the raw ingredients of broken- ness—moves us closer to being like God than victory and gain and fulfillment ever can."

J. C. Philpot wrote over 150 years ago that "There is much presumption, pride, hypocrisy, deceit, delusion, formality, superstition and self-righteousness to be purged out of the heart of God's child. But all these things keep him low, mar his pride, crush his self-righteousness, cut the locks of his presumption, stain his self conceit, stop his boasting, preserve him from despising others, make him take the lowest room, teach him to esteem others better than himself, drive him to earnest prayer, fit him as an object of mercy, break to pieces his free will, and lay him low at the feet of the Redeemer, as one to be saved by sovereign grace alone!"

The catalysts for brokenness don’t have to be huge, tragic or devastating, though sometimes they are. Suffering comes in all sizes and shapes every day of our lives. And when it comes, we often bury the pain of it somewhere deep inside us where it simmers and stews and gnaws away at our peace, faith and health, turning our hearts even stonier, compounding our pride and unbroken- ness layer by layer.

Lord, save us from ourselves...and break up the unplowed, hard ground of our hearts. Do whatever it takes, so we can be a vessel of honour, fit for the Master's use, in whom He does not need to be ashamed. Lord we submit ourselves to your dealings. You know what is in our hearts, and you know best what we need. We welcome your discipline and your correction for we know that this is proof that you love us and proof that we are indeed your sons and daughters.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Hey Mr. Terrier:

Hope you have a great time at Rivendell...and spend some good time realaxing in the Shire eh?

Praying for you..
