Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ring of Fire 24-7 Prayer Tour Prep Day 5

It's been a busy day of shopping mostly. We finally got our tent..after a first try with one that we had to take back. It's funny because I suspected all along which one to get (due to a word in a dream I had last night - the word "roots"), but I chose the cheaper one anyway, and then we just wasted time having to go back later and buy the other one..the ROOTS tent (didnt even know they made tents) We set it all up in the front yard; its so easy to set up, everything just clips together and it only took us 20 minutes the first time! (and that's a miracle).........its big too! 12 feet x 12 feet. But it's high enough to stand and even JUMP in so that's cool. You never know when you might want to leap and skip.. and praise!

Mal 4:2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.

We also will put some comfy mexico blankets on the floor, some throw pillows, and of course we'll set it up as a perfect place to host this rhythm of prayer...I'll post some pictures once we get it set up for the first time.

You know, I'm so looking forward to this circle of quiet..and the further training God is giving us. And even if no one else shows up, I know He will and that needs to be all that matters to me...

Psalm 94:12 How blessed the man you train, God, the woman you instruct in your Word, Providing a circle of quiet within the clamor of evil, while a jail is being built for the wicked. God will never walk away from his people, never desert his precious people. Rest assured that justice is on its way and every good heart put right.

...Yes, not only the man you train and instruct, but the woman as well....

Hmm, found the commentary on this quite interesting:

We may with boldness appeal to God; for he is the almighty Judge by whom every man is judged. Let this encourage those who suffer wrong, to bear it with silence, committing themselves to Him who judges righteously. These prayers are prophecies, which speak terror to the sons of violence. There will come a day of reckoning for all the hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against God, his truths, and ways, and people. It would hardly be believed, if we did not witness it, that millions of rational creatures should live, move, speak, hear, understand, and do what they purpose, yet act as if they believed that God would not punish the abuse of his gifts. As all knowledge is from God, no doubt he knows all the thoughts of the children of men, and knows that the imaginations of the thoughts of men's hearts are only evil, and that continually. Even in good thoughts there is a want of being fixed, which may be called vanity. It concerns us to keep a strict watch over our thoughts, because God takes particular notice of them. Thoughts are words to God. (Ps 94:12-23)

A sobering consideration: "Thoughts are words to God." Still thinking about the word "roots" too. That's a deep subject ..haha. No, but seriously, it is pretty deep.

I'm gone for a few days. Back writing here on Tuesday.

Don't forget that you're precious to God - let Him soak you in His love, embrace you with His strong arms and speak to you His words of life! That's what I'm striving for this week, to enter His rest...


Anonymous said...

Good to read this and stay connected with the plan, purpose and preparedness. Cindy

Anonymous said...

Good to read this and stay connected with the plan, purpose and preparedness. Cindy