Saturday, December 22, 2007

Shattered Dreams - Larry Crabb

Here's a quote from his book :

"It's hard to hear, but it is important to know that God is not committed to supporting our ministries, to preventing our divorces, to preserving our health, to straightening out our kids, to providing a livable income, to ending famine, to protecting us from agonizing problems that generate in our souls an experience that feels like death. We cannot count on God to arrange what happens in our lives in ways that will make us feel good."

"We can count on God to patiently remove all the obstacles to our enjoyment of Him. He is committed to our joy, and we can depend on Him to give us enough of a taste of that joy and enough hope that the best is still ahead to keep us going in spite of how much pain continues to plague our hearts."

.... Maybe this is why some people don't like what he has to say.


Karen said...

Although I dont agree with everything Larry Crabbe has to say, his writings have touched me profoundly. He raises issues we want to avoid in the church. He peels away the charades and hits the bulls eye of our soulish self motivated schemes. "Shattered Dreams" was one that impacted me during some of the lowest seasons of my life!

Anonymous said...

I’ve almost finished reading shattered dreams, by Larry Crabb, wow do I see how selfish I have been thinking God owed me happiness. We are trained when we choose Christ that all things will go well and when they dont we think God isnt who he says he is. When the truth is our shattered dreams bring us to the inner desire God wants us to find…love for him…that IS happiness! Where every other thing becomes second to us and Christ is first. When we live not to find anything but a closer relationship with our Savior! Then being closer to him we obey his desires for us, we reach out to others to glorify him not because of us needing to feel fulfilled or make the hard things we faced okay in our own minds.A person is only defeated when we give up. My heart aches with joy as I say, God is GOOD!

Cathy said...

yup pretty good stuff there..God is good!!