Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Two Recent Prophetic Words for Canada

Here they are:

by: Timothy Pond
June 16, 2007

While I was in worship on Saturday June 16, 2007, in a small group meeting the Lord gave me a closed vision. I could see large tectonic plates in the ground moving in a faster rate them normal. (These plates spoke to me about the issues in the foundations of the Church). I cannot say that I have seen these type of plates before, or how fast they normally move, but I just knew within my spirit that these plates where moving three or four times faster then normal. (Tectonic plates move very slowly but are consistent). I could see these tectonic plates in the ground were pushing up against each other creating lots of tension. In the vision as I watch these plates moving many of these plates hit head on, which then caused major earthquakes all across the nation of Canada.

Then the Lord gave me the interpretation of this vision. He said that this is what He is doing in the Church of Canada at this time. He said that the plates represent many of the issues in the foundations of the Church right now. Some of the issues that He spoke to me about are the major sins in the church, issues of righteousness and justice, taking sides, having to be right or wrong, and how many Churches are moving to one side over another.
I heard the Lord say to me that the greatest issues right now is the change of the guard. This may mean a lot of things to a lot of people, but to me it meant the changing of times and seasons. The Lord is trying to do a new thing within Canada and many of the older structures are coming against the new ones. These issues are rubbing with each other creating problems, and there is going to be a major collision. The Lord spoke to be about the past and that every time He did something new that was very different then what the church was used to, the tensions would arise and there would be a major split in the Body of the Church. The result is that there will be break up in many areas in the Church that need to break up, and that there is going to be major splits in both churches and movements, because of these tensions in the Body.
An earthquake is the result from the sudden release of energy in the earth created by the moving tectonic plates. The Lord said to me that after this split where the earth was once divided there would rise up a new and fresh wave of the Spirit that would spill out on the ground, and bring many people closer to the Lord in new ways. This energy being released in the earthquakes is the new power that many Christians are going to start to walk in, which is being released in a manifest shaking or displacement of the ground.

We need to mobilize for prayer so that division is minimized, and so the new expressions of the Church in Canada are established with the fruits of the Spirit intact. I do feel from the Lord that this division is both from man and God. During times of upheaval, the potential for the “deeds of the flesh” are much higher. Please cover this season, which I believe is the next two years in prayer and co-labour with Jesus in intercession for the fresh wave of the Spirit to be accepted and established.

By Faytene Kryskow
July 14, 07

In 2005 when we first began to travel the nation releasing the call for a generation to emerge that would reclaim God’s original intent for Canada (i.e. the righteous foundations) I had no idea that we were on the eve of, what I believe now, is a seasonal shift of end time proportion. As I have sought the heart of God in prayer in these last months, it is my personal sense that, globally, we have indeed crossed a threshold of time. I believe we may very well have entered into the end time season that Jesus spoke of in Mathew 24. I also believe the prophetic words that have been spoken, time and time again, that Canada has a key role to play in this end time scenario. It is for this, and other reasons that I am about to expound upon, that I believe it is crucial that we be alert in the spirit, discerning the times and posturing ourselves in prayer and action to usher in the Lord’s purposes for our nation.


I am sure I am not the only one who raised an eyebrow saying, “There is something TO this,” when record breaking winds ripped through Stanley Park (Vancouver, BC) in January ’07. The winds snapped 100-200 yr old trees like toothpicks. The entire nation was stunned as we stood back, helpless, watching this national land mark be ripped to shreds.

During my years of serving at the Vancouver House of Prayer I wrote a manual that detailed the spiritual history of Vancouver. While researching I learned a few things about the park and city that are worth noting here. Firstly I learned that Stanley Park is NOT technically a park, it land that has been designated for the national army. The land known as Stanley Park has been leased, for 99 yrs, to the City of Vancouver by the Federal government. Hold that thought. Secondly, I learned that Vancouver is considered a ‘sister city’ on the west coast to San Francisco. At the foundation of the city the mayor even directly referenced Vancouver’s relational DNA connect to San Francisco. The ‘sister’ park in San Francisco to Stanley Park is a park is called Golden Gate Park. In the natural there are many similarities, in the spiritual – even more.


In 1967 an estimated 100,000 gathered in San Francisco, often at Golden Gate Park, for what came to be known as the Summer of Love. This gathering of young people launched the sexual revolution (immorality movement), the new age movement (overt rejecting of Judeo-Christian values), the women’s movement (whose main ‘cause’ became abortion), a movement of rebellion to authority and a mass movement of drug abuse under the banner of ‘spiritual enlightenment.’ The epi-centre of the summer of Love in the USA was San Francisco. The epi-centre of the summer of Love in Canada (as we too openly received these moments) was Stanley Park. 40 yrs later if you were to take a walk in Stanley Park you would, in my assessment, be able to divide the park up into 3 main regional categories. Firstly, there is a whole section of the park that has been given over to sexual immorality. If you are a man seeking sex with another man you simply go park your car in that section and ‘action’ will find you. Secondly, it is commonly known that there are segments of the deep woods of the park that are used by those who practice high level witchcraft. Thirdly, there is the rest of the park that, by and large, is given over to worshipping the creation rather than the creator. As a city, in many ways, we idolized this park.

Let me unpack what I believe the spirit is saying. The land that has been set aside for the ‘army’ in Canada has been surrendered to a prevailing spirit of leisure. During this season of leisure all manner of perversion, witchcraft and idolatry has set up shop in the land. The result: the destruction of a generation. Let me give you a few stats to illustrate.

*note, these are some quick stats we pulled off of Stats Canada and other on-line studies, you can find the same (or similar) stats by doing a simple GOOGLE search


>3-4 million of my generation never made it past the womb (these numbers are conservative as they only include reported abortions and do not include the morning after pill) ; this works out to 20-40% of the generation depending on whether or not you include the pill

>currently, according to reported stats 2,000 Canadians are aborted a week (this is a small town, or a city elementary school, a week)


>when I was 14 (18yrs ago) it was uncommon for people to live together before marriage, now it is uncommon for people to get married, most stay common-law ; more than 30% of families in Quebec are common law

>since the introduction of no-fault divorce in Canada 30 years ago, the rate of marital break-up has soared 600%

>1/3 of children under the age of 12 have experienced what they call great unhappiness, the chief cause being parental divorce or separation and death in the family

>2003 study had direct link between divorce/separation and suicidal tendencies in youth

>a number of studies demonstrated that suicide is higher among youth who are not living with 2 biological parents (this means, as marital break down has increased we can assume suicidal tendencies among our children have as well)

>the suicide rate has doubled among children age 10-14yrs over the last 20 yrs

>a recent BC study said 20% of girls under the age of 12 had considered suicide and 13% of boys in this age range.

>the highest suicide rate on the planet is among CANADIAN first nations male youth


>in Canada, though we agreed with the UN definition of a child as anyone ‘under the age of 18yrs’ we allow 14yr olds to consent to sex with adults – this means we say it is ‘ok’ for adults to have sex with children ; if that same adult takes pictures of the act it is consider creation of child porn ( a clear double standard)

>most children admit to being exposed (and some addicted) to hard core pornography by the age of 12yrs

>in the name of ‘creative’ expression it is legal for an adult to possess child pornography in Canada


>by the age 11yrs 62.9% of Canadian youth had consumed alcohol (2004/2005 survey)

>by the age 13yr 36.6% admitted to binge drinking, being 5 or more drinks

>50.3% of youth grades 7-9 yrs old admitted smoking marijuana

Though these stats are revealing fruit, stats alone are not how we read the signs of the time. These stats only bare confirmation to what, I believe, the Spirit was already highlighting. Before I articulate the summary of what I believe the Spirit is saying about all this, there are a few other pertinent details that you need to be made aware of.


1967 was our 100th yr birthday as a nation. In Montreal in the summer of 67 over 50,000 million people from the nations of the world traveled to Canada for this fair. The motto of Expo 67 was actually a national decree of secular humanism: “Man and His World.” As a nation we effectively entered into a national spirit of rebellion declaring there is no God and, instead of “He will have Dominion” (Ps 72:8) that we will have dominion because this is our world. It was only a few months after the close of Expo 67, in November of the same year, that the separatist movement exploded in Quebec. At our foundation Canada was a UNION of provinces. A nation birthed in unity, not war. Through the separatist movement so much of what we are as a nation came under direct threat as Quebec sought to ‘file for divorce’ so to speak.

This same fall Dr. Henry Mortgentaler (a Holocaust survivor) came on the national scene declaring for the first time that every woman should have the ‘right to choose.’ The year closed off with the then Justice Minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, uttering his famous phrase while working for the legalization of homosexuality, “I think the view we take here is that there's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.” It was under the banner of this ideology that we, as Canadians, elected him our next Prime Minister.


As I pondered all this in prayer, I also set my face like flint to study this out in the Word. I found that 40 is a biblical season. It is a season of judgment (see Judges and the dessert wandering), a season of blessing (see judges), a season of breakthrough (Jesus’ fast), a season of rule (David, Solomon etc.). 40 yrs is a season. This is one of the biblically revealed ways of God. I want to say, “A western world season is OVER.” The question is, will we as a nation enter into another cycle of perversion, rebellion and death which will all lead to judgment or will we enter into a season of blessing? Will we reclaim God’s original intent for Canada? Will we take our place among the nations of the earth, enter into our end time place in the spirit, and be a part of ushering in the greatest harvest of souls and righteousness the earth has ever seen? Though much ground has been taken by the prayer, reconciliation and reformation movements in Canada these past 10-15 yrs (the fact that we have the highest number of self-professing born-again Christians as Members of Parliament in memorable history is a major indicator of this). I do not believe we are there yet. IF the glass is half full we have to ask, “Are we ok with half full - are we going to submit to a spirit of leisure and compromise and lose another generation - or are we going for fullness?” As a young(er) person I want to appeal to the mothers and fathers in the spirit in this nation to push with us as a younger generation to see the shift.

I believe the Stanley park winds of Jan. 07 were a sign (there have been other signs as well but for the sake of time and space I will not unpack them in this article). I believe the winds were a sign that the Lord Himself is drawing a line in the sand and declaring, “Thus far and no more. I am seeking to dismantle the backbones of these movements of perversion, rebellion and death. The 40 yrs of wandering is coming to a close.” Again, though the stats seem daunting and confirm the need for a shift, we look with the eyes of faith pressing our ear to His chest saying, “Father speak…if this is true and we are in a crucial moment, how then do we posture?”

I believe God is calling us in this ‘hinge’ moment to massive, fervent prayer and fasting to see the shift happen. I believe God is calling us believe Him for a generation, that has been devastated and lying the valley of perversion, abortion, suicide, addiction and rebellion like a heap of dry bones, to come forth as a mighty army. Jesus said to his disciples, “Some of these [demons] only lose their power through prayer and fasting…”

I believe God wants to give us the shift – but some of these only come through prayer and fasting.

(FYI: You can imagine our amazement when we realized that Lou Engle and his leadership team in the USA was carrying a similar burden for this summer. It is because of this that, instead of gathering again on Parliament for another CRY event this summer, that we decided to combine efforts with the CALL 07.07.07 and take as many Canadians as we could to Nashville for a day of massive prayer and fasting to contend for this shift to happen. The contending is not over. Visit for a report.)


In Daniel chapter 9 we see a young man (part of a righteous remnant in Babylon) who has ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to His people. He, through the prophecies of Jeremiah, comes to understand that it is time for His people to possess their promised land. He discerns the time. Though they have been in captivity in an immoral, paganistic and idolatrous land it is time for them to come out of her. So how does Daniel posture? Does he have a rally? Perhaps a parade or a celebration to declare that they are about to ‘take the land’? Um. No. He enters into a time of solemn repentance before the Lord declaring, “Lord we have sinned!” Daniel is hard core. In my ‘camp’ we would call him a NAZERITE. A total God seeker, consecrated and willing to do whatever it takes to see the Lord glorified in His generation. Out of that spirit, instead of getting bitter and saying, “Because of all you rebellious and stubborn Israelities I have had to sit here and eat the fruit of Babylon!” Um. No, again. He gets on His face in consecrated repentance and begins to usher in the shift through His prayers and fasting.

Let’s face it, at the beginning a time called ‘summer holidays’ this might be the last word any of us would want to hear. If you wrestle with the ‘heaviness’ of this call and whether or not you will chose to posture yourself to respond in prayer for the shift, I want to say to you: Too much is at stake. Now is not a time to sleep or slumber.


I would like to wrap this article up by ending where I began, with the end time seasonal shift that I believe we have entered into. As I prayed in preparation for, and then joined in with thousands of others in my generation for the CALL in Nashville just a few days ago, I have been hit continually with one booming thought: He is coming again. I believe, now perhaps more then ever I discern a seriousness in the air that we each need to get right with the Lord – it is a call to total, not partial, consecration. Love the Lord your God with all of yourself. All means all. It is a time to renew our covenant with Him as our lover God, King – our husband.

In order to usher in the next 40 yrs this is what it is going to take: a generation given over to Holy Love. Movements were ushered in on the backs of the lives and choices of people in the late 60’s. A counter movement will be ushered in the same way, through the lives of people (us). I believe wholeheartedly the ‘now’ call to reverse the curse of 1967 through massive prayer and fasting. I also believe this ‘now’ call is landing in the midst of a larger end-time landscape that is developing. I believe the generation that is rising, and being brought to spiritual birth right now, is full of end-time evangelists, end-time prophets, end-time Nazarites – they are the end-time warriors of the God. They will reap the end time harvest and usher in the coming of the King of Glory. What I am saying is this: I actually believe there is something even bigger than reversing the summer of 67 that is coming down the pike. As my friend Rob Parker often says, “Eternity is about to swallow up time.” It is time to get right with God and seek him in radical devotion like we have never done before. It is time to posture ourselves in massive prayer and fasting to see the tide shift in our nation(s). It is time to step into our end time purpose to bring healing to the nations and usher in the coming of our King. It is time.

He is coming again, people get ready.

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