Monday, April 09, 2007

“Doubt and Unbelief”

Romans 4:20,21

Diakrino (dee-ak-ree’-no) to separate thoroughly; to withdraw from; or by implication to oppose

Dia - through; the channel
Krino - to distinguish; to decide; to try; to judge, TO HESITATE, to pause, be uncertain, be unsure; TRANSLATED:
to stagger - Romans 4:20
to waver - James 1:6
to doubt - Mark 11:23
“To DIAKRINO is to be unsure which causes one to hesitate which causes one to withdraw from.”

Distazo (dis-tad’-zo) to duplicate; to think twice, have a second thought; to reconsider; to question

Matthew 14:22-33 (found in vs. 31)
Matthew 28:17
DOUBLE-MINDED - James1:5-8
TWO OPINIONS - 1 Kings 18:21

“Diakrino is one who starts with two directives. He is at the CROSSROADS or “Y”. Distazo is one who starts with one direction but later reconsiders.”

Opposite is Leg’o which means: to lay forth, by the words of your mouth, the intended course of action which you mean or purpose, from your heart, to follow through and receive.

APISTIA (ap-is-tee’-ah) a want of faith; lacking trust or confidence in the informer

Matthew 13:58 - Because Of Their Unbelief
Mark 6:6; 9:24; 16:14 - Help My unbelief
Romans 3:3; 4:20 - Diakrino Through Apistia
Hebrews 3:12,19 - Could Not Enter In
“The remedy for apistia is more Word. Faith cometh by hearing YHWH'S living Word which removes apistia.”

SEE but NOT ENTER - John 3:3,5
TO SEE: is to know what is yours - to have revelation of inheritance
TO ENTER: is to possess what is yours - to experience or receive inheritance
“TO SEE precedes TO ENTER, but TO SEE does not guarantee TO ENTER.”

apeitheia (ap-i’-thi-ah) to disbelieve, unpersuadable: disobedient, rebellious

1 Peter 2:7,8 - Disobedient, unpersuadable
Romans 11:30,32 - All Were Concluded To Be
Hebrews 4:6,11; Ephesians 2:2; 5:6; Colossians 3:6 - To Adhere To an Opinion, View, Statement, Purpose, or Course of Action In Spite of Reasons, Proof or Persuasions

This is called “The Spirit of Disobedience”

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