Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What is idolatry?

II. At the beginning of the 10 Commandments is the sin of idolatry. This is the "sin of sins" for once begun man's understanding is forever befuddled; the Truth of God is polluted; all is lost! Idolatry remains man's greatest threat!

1. Modern man will not become an idolater in the sense of the pagan mythologies of the Greeks, Romans, and Norse. These bowed down to a material image crafted with hands from precious metals or sacred wood/rocks. Modern man is too far "advanced" for this.
2. Modern man's lure into idolatry is much more subtle and this is where it is much more deadly. This danger is succinctly stated: "The essence of idolatry is the entertainment of thoughts about God that are unworthy of Him. It begins in the mind ... The idolater simply imagines things about God and acts as if they were true" (A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy, 5).

3. Satan's evil scheme is not to get us to say there is no God but to say there is a DIFFERENT God than what the Bible teaches. This scheme begins in our minds (2 Co 10:5).

4. The success of this evil scheme is repeatedly found in Scripture and has subtly invaded our modern society. In fact, it is alarming to see just how successful Satan's scheme has been.

5. The idolater today is not one who bows down before some image, but is one who has mentally modified the God of the Scriptures so that He is now more attractive, more tolerant, more permissive, more loving, less denouncing, less damning, and less restrictive. Modern idolatry accepts biblical religion and the biblical God, BUT first modifies each to suit personal tastes. The result, a religion of convenience but no conviction; a god who is personal and up close but not the sovereign Lord; adherents who follow feelings rather than faith. In summary -- it is a religion, a god, and a group of adherents who are totally different from that which you read in the Bible! And it ALL results from idolatry!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I totally agree!!!!!!
A very good word!

No other god before Him meant no other god, period! God is who He is and we can not change nor alter that. He is a God of love and also a God of Judgement.

Very well said.