Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Old Fable - real application

And old fable says that swift-footed Atlanta challenged her suitors to race her, with herself as prize or death as penalty. Many competed, and lost their lives; until a certain Hippomenes, secreting on his person three golden apples, entered the contest. Atlanta swiftly passed him, and he threw an apple: she, amazed, stopped to pick it up. But again Hippomenes felt himself failing, and again he threw an apple; and a second time, caught by its glitter, Atlanta delayed to seize it, and fell behind. Once again, as they neared the goal, and she was rapidly passing him, Hippomenes threw the last golden apple; and Atlanta, lured by its charm, swerved, and lost the race. Three golden apples! - "the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life" (1 John 2: 16) - are sidetracking from their prize countless multitudes of the children of God. "LET NO MAN ROB YOU OF YOUR PRIZE" (Col. 2: 18).

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