Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Jesus came to show and to teach us what God's original plan was before the fall.
Only through Him is it possible to restore the relationship.
The world says that true male fellowship comes out of a beer bottle; beer draws men
together and overcomes rejection and loneliness. What a deception!
Our deepest need as human beings is for love. Where does love come from? How can I
receive more love? How can I give more love?
Answer: 1 John 4:7
No man can fill this need. (e.g. Buy milk at the supermarket) People are not the source of
love but only containers that can become empty.
As long as we believe that people are our source, two things can happen:
1. We give up and withdraw, build walls around ourselves and switch off- and much
emotional chaos results.
2. We try to manipulate the person to give us the love that we need; we strive to
perform, we threaten, plead, punish, etc.
When you have bought milk at the supermarket for a long time, you forget how to go back
to the farm - we do not know how to approach God the Father.

To come closer to God the Father through Jesus Christ, we have to relinquish all hope and
expectation of the love which comes from other people. It means offering up all "idols" -
setting your loved ones free and surrendering your relationships with them to the Father
for cleansing and renewal.

The man has to seek his identity through a relationship with God.
(Do you want milk from cow or the supermarket ? - Go to the SOURCE!!)

Jesus, thank you for laying down your life for me so that even now I can come to the Father through You. Father, I confess that I have not known you as my Father. For so long I have felt unloved. I need love, Father, and I know now that only you can give it to me. Forgive me for the times that I have manipulated people, threatened and forced them to give me love - and also for the times that I completely gave up and withdrew, blaming them instead of turning to You. Jesus, I give myself to You. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Here I am, Father, your broken son/daughter. I need you, Father. Only You. I want to receive a revelation of your love for me, Father!! AMEN

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