Friday, August 25, 2006

Appearances are deceiving

King Saul appeared humble; it said he was small in his own eyes. David appeared arrogant and insolent because he rebuked the armies of Isreal for their timidity saying that the kings armour was not good enough for him. We must resist the temptation to follow those who appear to be "head and shoulders" above the rest.

Until there is maturity, the wheat and tares grow together. Both can be arrogant, both can have false concepts or teaching or fall into sin occasionally. The difference will only be obvious when they both mature. During the harvest, wheat will bow over, while the tares remain standing upright. When wheat matures, it becomes humble, but those who are tares will continue in their pride.

If we are walking in the Light, we will allow truth to remain at the point of Divine tension between the extremes and will refrain from making a formula, principle, or inflexible doctrine out of it. It is the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge which demands our carrying the paradoxes in Scripture to their logical conclusions. The paradoxes are there to force us to seek the Lord for His mind and wisdom. This leads to our walking in the Spirit instead of by principles or laws. By resisting the compulsion to make formulas and allowing truth to rest at the point of tension between the extremes, we bgin to partake of the Tree of Life. Christianity is not just following a set of rules; it is walking with the Living God.


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